Ticket information: As part of the State Ceremonies in this year won’t be admission fee for entering the Festival of Folk Arts.
Opening hours of the Festival of Folk Arts: 10.00 AM – 10.00 PM
The market will be open for public from 10.00 AM to 9.00 PM, and you can enjoy the programs of the stages until 10.00 PM.
Location: Táncsics Mihály utca (Táncsics Mihály Street), Tóth Árpád sétány (Tóth Árpád Promenade), Szentháromság park (Holy Trinity Park), Szentháromság tér (Holy Trinity Square), Tárnok utca (Tárnok Street), Dísz tér (Dísz Square)
We would like to draw your attention to public transport opportunities rather than driving to the venue. Prior to the Festival we will constantly update information regarding news on shuttle lines released by the Budapest Transport Centre and also regarding the renovation of the Buda Castle.
Further information website of the Budapest Transport Centre